
It's used to compare string fields. StringFilter is a type that implements IFilterableType.So it can be used as a type of a property in Filter object. It's used for dynamic comparison. Both comparison type and comparison value are sent by client.


StringFilter includes following properties;

  • Eq: Provides parameter for == operator in expression.
  • Not: Provides parameter for != operator in expression.
  • Equals: Provides parameter to String.Equals method expression.
  • Contains: Provides parameter to String.Contains method expression.
  • NotContains: Provides parameter to !String.Contains method expression.
  • StartsWith: Provides parameter to String.StartsWith method expression.
  • NotStartsWith: Provides parameter to !String.StartsWith method expression.
  • EndsWith: Provides parameter to String.EndsWith method expression.
  • NotEndsWith: Provides parameter to !String.EndsWith method expression.
  • IsNull: Provides parameter to == null comparison in expression.
  • IsNotNull: Provides parameter to != null comparison in expression.
  • IsEmpty: Provides parameter to String.IsNullOrEmpty method in expression.
  • IsNotEmpty: Provides parameter to !String.IsNullOrEmpty method in expression.


Use StringFilter as type of a property in Filter object.

public class BookFilter : FilterBase
    public StringFilter Title { get; set; }

That property can be used in the following ways in querystring. Potter

All of the above properties can be used.

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