InputKit: AutoCompleteEntry

AutoCompleteEntry is a control that allows the user to type in a string and select an item from a dropdown list.

It's not supported on MAUI. (Xamarin Forms only)

[Xamarin Forms Slider Sticky Label](/docs/en/inputkit/latest/components/controls/#) [Xamarin Forms Slider Sticky Label](/docs/en/inputkit/latest/components/controls/#)


  • Placeholder: (string) Placehodler Text
  • Title: (string) Title will be shown top of this control
  • IconImage: (string) Icons of this Entry. Icon will be shown left of this - control
  • Color: (Color) Color of Icon Image. IconImage must be a PNG and have - Alpha channels. This fills all not-Alpha channels one color. Default is - Accent
  • ValidationMessage: (string) This is message automaticly displayed when - this is not validated. Use this one instead of annotationmessage
  • AnnotationColor: (Color) AnnotationMessage's color..
  • IsRequired: (bool) IValidation implementation. Same with IsAnnotated
  • ItemsSource: (IList) Suggestions items

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