Getting Started with InputKit on Xamarin Forms

Importing and using InputKit is easy as possible. It's plug & play logic. Just add to your project and use it.

Adding to your project

This plugin published on NuGet to much more quicker implementation. This instructions uses nuget option.

  • Right Click to your solution and go Manage NuGet Packages.
  • Type to searchbar Xamarin.Forms.InputKit and find that package.
  • Choose all platforms you want to use and click the Install button.


If you use it on Android platform there is just one more step.

  • Right Click to your solution and go Manage NuGet Packages.
  • Find and Install Plugin.CurrentActivity from NuGet to your only Android Project!
  • Add following code to OnCreate method of your MainActivity in Android Project.
CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Init(this, savedInstanceState); // < ---- Add here
LoadApplication(new App());

Why Do That on Android ?

Controls in InputKit uses current android activity to make some actions like open dropdown menu, changing color of icons,... etc.


Nothing more. Just Plug & Play!


This platform is Experimental. Some of features may not work! It's not recommended to release your projects with InputKit on UWP platform.

But if want a try. No more code needed on UWP too.

Using at your Project

  • Go to your XAML page and add following xml namespace to your ContentPage tag as like this sample

See how it should be done at sample

  • Then use it at wherever you want in your page with defined prefix input like following code:
<input:CheckBox Text="Option 5" IsChecked="True" Type="Material"/>
In this document