
UraniumUI supports blur effects on MAUI. You can use it on any control by using BlurEffect.



Windows iOS Android
MAUI Acrylic Blur MAUI Acrylic Blur MAUI Acrylic Blur

Getting Started


Blur effect isn't part of UraniumUI by default. It's included in a separated assembly which is UraniumUI.Blurs. You have to add that package to your application first.

  • Install UraniumUI.Blurs package to your project.

    dotnet add package UraniumUI.Blurs
  • After installing that assembly, you should add UseUraniumUIBlurs() method to your application builder in Program.cs.

        .UseUraniumUIBlurs() // 👈 Here it is
        .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");


BlurEffect is defined in UraniumUI.Blurs namespace. But its assembly exports that namespace by default. So you can use same xml namespace with UraniumUI.


BlurEffect is a Effect which means you can use it on any control. It's recommended to use it on a Layout such as StackLayout, Grid, AbsoluteLayout, FlexLayout, etc. to avoid overlapping issues.

        <uranium:BlurEffect />
    <!-- Your content goes here -->

MAUI Blur Effect


  • Mode: BlurMode (Default: BlurMode.Light) - Defines the blur mode. It can be Light or Dark.

            <uranium:BlurEffect Mode="Dark" />
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Dark

  • Accent: Color - Defines the tint color of the blur effect.

            <uranium:BlurEffect AccentColor="Purple"/>
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Accent

  • AccentOpacity: float (Default: 0.2) - Defines the opacity of the tint color.

            <uranium:BlurEffect Mode="Dark" AccentOpacity="0.8" />
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Accent Opacity

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