
UraniumUI supports blur effects on MAUI. You can use it on any control by using BlurEffect.

Apple has its own blur effect and Windows has a Brush for it. So it's implemented natively for those platforms. Android platform doesn't support blur effects by default. So it's implemented in Dimezis/BlurView and ported to C#.



Windows iOS Android
MAUI Acrylic Blur MAUI Acrylic Blur MAUI Acrylic Blur

Getting Started


Blur effect isn't part of UraniumUI by default. It's included in a separated assembly which is UraniumUI.Blurs. You have to add that package to your application first.

  • Install UraniumUI.Blurs package to your project.

    dotnet add package UraniumUI.Blurs
  • After installing that assembly, you should add UseUraniumUIBlurs() method to your application builder in Program.cs.

        .UseUraniumUIBlurs() // 👈 Here it is
        .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
            fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");


BlurEffect is defined in UraniumUI.Blurs namespace. But its assembly exports that namespace by default. So you can use same xml namespace with UraniumUI.


BlurEffect is a Effect which means you can use it on any control.

On Android, it's recommended to use it on a Layout such as StackLayout, Grid, AbsoluteLayout, FlexLayout, etc. to avoid overlapping issues.

        <uranium:BlurEffect />
    <!-- Your content goes here -->

MAUI Blur Effect


  • Mode: BlurMode (Default: BlurMode.Light) - Defines the blur mode. It can be Light or Dark.

            <uranium:BlurEffect Mode="Dark" />
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Dark

  • Accent: Color - Defines the tint color of the blur effect.

            <uranium:BlurEffect AccentColor="Purple"/>
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Accent

  • AccentOpacity: float (Default: 0.2) - Defines the opacity of the tint color.

            <uranium:BlurEffect Mode="Dark" AccentOpacity="0.8" />
        <!-- Your content goes here -->

    MAUI Blur Effect Accent Opacity

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