
The AutoFormView is a view that automatically generates a form based on the properties of a model. It is a subclass of FormView and uses the same APIs.


AutoFormView is defined in UraniumUI.Controls namespace.

You can use it in XAML like this:


Then you can use it like this:

<uranium:FormView Source="{Binding .}" />


public class AutoFormViewPageViewModel : ViewModelBase
    [Reactive] public string Email { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public string FullName { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public Gender Gender { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public TimeSpan? MeetingTime { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public int? NumberOfSeats { get; set; }
    [Reactive] public bool IsTermsAndConditionsAccepted { get; set; }
<uranium:AutoFormView Source="{Binding .}" />



AutoFormView can be configured using the AutoFormViewOptions in the MauiProgram.cs file. Here is an example of how to configure the AutoFormView:

builder.Services.Configure<AutoFormViewOptions>(options =>
    // configure options here


It's not supported DataAnnotations by default. You can add UraniumUI.Validations.DataAnnotations package to project and configure AutoFormViewOptions to use DataAnnotations.

builder.Services.Configure<AutoFormViewOptions>(options =>
    options.ValidationFactory = DataAnnotationValidation.CreateValidations;


You can configure the AutoFormView to use a specific editor for a type. For example, you can configure the AutoFormViewOptions to use a Editor for string properties.

builder.Services.Configure<AutoFormViewOptions>(options =>
    options.EditorMapping[typeof(string)] = (property, propertyNameFactory, source) =>
        var editor = new Entry();
        editor.Placeholder = propertyNameFactory(property);
        editor.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, new Binding(property.Name, source: source));
        return editor;

Note: The following types are already mapped by default: string, int, float, double, DateTime, TimeSpan, bool, Enum, Keyboard.

Property Name Mapping

You can configure the PropertyNameFactory property of AutoFormViewOptions to use a custom factory to get the property name. For example, you can implement a localization factory to get the property name from a resource file.

builder.Services.Configure<AutoFormViewOptions>(options =>
    options.PropertyNameFactory = property =>
        return Localize(property.Name);


You can customize the AutoFormView.


You can customize the ItemsLayout of the AutoFormView using the ItemsLayout property. For example, you can use a GridLayout to display the properties in a grid.

Note: It's not the same as the ItemsLayout of the CollectionView. This is a real layout that will be used to place editors into children. Such as StackLayout, Grid, FlexLayout, etc.

<uranium:AutoFormView Source="{Binding .}">
        <uranium:GridLayout ColumnCount="2" RowCount="4" />



You can customize the FooterLayout of the AutoFormView using the FooterLayout property. For example, you can use a HorizontalStackLayout to display the buttons in a horizontal stack.

<uranium:AutoFormView Source="{Binding .}" ShowMissingProperties="False">
        <FlexLayout JustifyContent="SpaceEvenly" />



You can configure the AutoFormView to show missing properties using the ShowMissingProperties property. For example, you can set the ShowMissingProperties to true to show all properties of the model.

<uranium:AutoFormView Source="{Binding .}" ShowMissingProperties="True" />


Other Properties

  • ShowSubmitButton: Indicates whether the submit button is visible. The default value is true.
  • SohwResetButton: Indicates whether the reset button is visible. The default value is true.
  • SubmitButtonText: The text of the submit button. The default value is Submit.
  • ResetButtonText: The text of the reset button. The default value is Reset.

Dialogs Support

You can use the AutoFormView with the Dialogs feature. You can open a dialog to show the AutoFormView and get the result by using the DisplayAutoFormViewAsync method of IDialogService.

  • Resolving the ViewModel from the dependency injection:
// ViewModel resolved from the DI
var result = await _dialogService.DisplayFormViewAsync<AutoFormViewPageViewModel>("Auto Form View");
if (result != null)
    // do something with the result
  • Using an existing ViewModel directly:
var myViewModel = new AutoFormViewPageViewModel();

var result = await _dialogService.DisplayFormViewAsync("Auto Form View", myViewModel);
if (result != null)
    // do something with the result


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